
Blackmoor Golf Club

Heathland Ecology

Sitting on top of the Hampshire, Berkshire and Surrey sand belt, the character of Blackmoor's unique heathland course is maintained to an exceptionally high standard by a team of experienced Green Staff led by Course Manager, James Norris. 

The course is consistently noted for its picturesque, heather lined fairways and is a haven for wildlife.

Heathland Restoration and Bunker Refurbishment Project

Blackmoor has recently completed an extensive heathland restoration and bunker refurbishment project that was completed in phases over a three-year period and include work to all 18-holes. Read about the refurbishment and project  here. 

Working in partnership with ecology specialists and wildlife trusts the team have developed a woodland & heathland management plan to protect and enhance the heathland ecology, conserve perpetuity and create diversity on the course.

Partner Links:

Contact Us to find out more about our Heathland Ecology Programme.

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