18 hole Stableford Betterball
We will using both 1st & 10th tees.
Handicap Limit - 24 Men, 30 Ladies – 85% Handicap. Players must have a WHS handicap and provide their CDH Lifetime ID number on the entry form.
Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th places.
Entries will be limited to 52 pairs. In the event of entries being in excess of this number, places will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
Entry Fee - £130 per pair inclusive of coffee & bacon baps on arrival & a rolling buffet after play.
If you would like to play with friends please send an email to steveclay@blackmoorgolf.co.uk
The closing date for entries will be Thursday 22nd August 2024 or once fully subscribed. If fully subscribed email steveclay@blackmoorgolf.co.uk and you will be put on a reserve list
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